Crytek may have taken away the DirectX 11 from the PC version of the game but a healthy modding community has found a way to compensate gamers for it, by releasing an extreme graphics autoexec.cfg. The autoexec.cfg file has been especially useful in Crysis and Warhead to help optimize many details of the game not available in the graphics options such as Depth of Field or Field of View etc.
The modder community strikes back yet again with this handy tool which lets you make an extreme graphics setting autoexec.cfg file for Crysis 2, you SHOULD note that this will of course require a high end PC such as an i5 / i7 with a 460GTX or greater GPU running but depending on resolution and stuff you choose to enable or disable like shadows or motion blur your performance could vary to a great extent.
The instructions are fairly simple and very easy to follow:
1. Once you have unzipped the files place them anywhere you want.
2. Delete any autoexec.cfg files found in the Crysis 2 root folder. (if you're asking what that is, don't worry about it)
3. Delete any target commands you may have put on the shortcut as they will override the autoexec.cfg that is created
4. Run the Crysis2AdvancedGraphicsOptions.exe
5. Hit apply once all settings are set
*note* You do not have to start this program every time you want to play Crysis 2.
This is a one time thing, the autoexec file will be created and after following the above steps once all you have to do is run the game, if you face low FPS or performance issues delete the autoexec.cfg file and reset your graphics again.
The programs basic function is to create the autoexec.cfg file for you which is really useful and unlike previous autoexec.cfg in the first game you can actually choose the details you want to customize through a friendly and user friendly list of options, while last time you had to make your own autoexec.cfg file
you can download the file from HERE
the password to the RAR file is "atsijordan" without the " " marks.