Redfall and Forza Motorsport Release Date to be Announced During This Month’s Showcase, Xbox Germany Says

Aernout van de Velde Comments

The Redfall and Forza Motorsport release dates are said to be announced during this month's Xbox and Bethesda ‘Developer Direct’ showcase.

After some rumors, Microsoft officially announced a new Xbox live stream later this month. In an official Xbox Wire post, Microsoft confirmed that several titles, including The Elder Scrolls Online, Forza Motorsport, Redfall, and Minecraft Legends would release "in the next few months". What's interesting, however, is that the official German Xbox Wire blog post writes that Microsoft and Bethesda plan to announce the actual release dates of said titles during the upcoming showcase.

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"Look forward to exclusive insights presented by developers from Arkane Austin, Mojang Studios, Turn 10 Studios, and ZeniMax Online Studios", the translated German blog post reads. "The Developer_Direct will focus on fantastic features, extensive gameplay showcases, and, for the first time, shared release dates for great Xbox titles coming in the next few months - including The Elder Scrolls Online, Forza Motorsport, Minecraft Legends, and Redfall."

An interesting addition to the official Xbox Wire blog post for sure, and one that fans will surely appreciate. Of course, it's possible that Xbox Germany put in the wrong text, but with the above-mentioned titles releasing in the coming months, it's only logical for Microsoft to reveal the actual release dates.

As covered last month, recent rumors suggest that Redfall might very well be released in early May with Starfield possibly following in June - Starfield's release window was recently reconfirmed via a freshly-launched support page.

As for Forza Motorsport's release date - we know that it will be arriving in Spring 2023, but further details haven't been shared just yet. Let's hope that Microsoft will finally announce a release date for this one as well.

As always, we will keep you updated as soon as more information on these titles comes in. For now, stay tuned.

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